The only true Bayesian system available
Providing the chemical safety assessment community with the most scientifically valid methodology to support better regulations and a safer world.
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Bayesian BMD Explained
Made by toxicologists, for toxicologists.
What it provides
Our cloud-based Bayesian Benchmark Dose Modeling System (BBMD™) software provides a robust and versatile application that allows users to harness the power of Bayesian statistical methods.
How its ran
Our platform can analyze continuous, dichotomous, and categorical data sets to determine a Benchmark Dose (BMD) and Probabilistic Reference Dose (RfD), using either our standard validated prior distributions or user-defined priors.
How it handles data
Analyses can be done on individual data sets or submitted in batch mode for larger projects. Our BBMD™ software also provides a powerful tool for calculating BMDs from gene expression and epidemiological data.
Whats to come
We are currently developing a multi-site cancer model and nested dichotomous models

Share your analyses with the team
With our Organizational Account
Multiple Roles and Requirements
With an organizational account, BBMD can assign employees as admins, reviewers, group leaders, and analysts. This allows a structure flow of reviewing and publishing data.
A Shared Company Library
Each organizational account comes with a shared private company library and dataset database. With the shared systems, individuals go reference or build off previously generated dataset analyses.
Constant Communication
Each analysis can be shared amongst toxicologists and can faciliate communication around the analysis. Build into the communication is an audit trail of where the analysis has been.
Iterative Feedback and Handoff
Analyses can be approved, denied, or handed off to another perspective. This allows constant sharing amongst team members to make sure everything is in place.

Plans and Pricing
Free Plan
- All our Basic Analysis types
- Limited Batch and Genomic Capabilities
- Limited Cloud Storage of your Analyses
Premium Plan
- $19/month or $199/year
- All the capabilities of the free plan plus:
- Expanded Batch and Genomic Capabilities
- Expanded Cloud Storage of all your Analyses
- Access to Informative Priors and Data Driven Priors
Organizational Plan
- Contact us for pricing
- All the capabilities of the Premium Plan
- Build your own organizational database
- Expanded sharing capabilities within your organization